Harvested in the luscious foothills of The Mighty Himalayas and grown in pristine nature, The Pahari Life's Hemp Powder is a Super-Food and a power-house of nutrients. Hemp powder comes from the cannabis plant and is an excellent source of plant based proteins. It doesn’t contain any THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. It’s a very sustainable plant that can grow in a variety of climates, and the different parts of the plant can be used in many ways. Hemp protein is made up of two globular proteins—Edestin (60-80%) and Albumin. The most common way of using hemp protein is in the form of powder. Hemp protein is a high-quality vegan, plant-based source of protein containing all 20 Amino Acids, including all 9 Essential Amino Acids. It has all the Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3, Omega -6 & Omega 9) that make the digestion process easy. And it helps in giving you a magical touch to your favorite beverage with a mild taste and a creamy texture.
Hemp powder packs a healthy punch of dietary fiber, chlorophyll, minerals, and antioxidants without any saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, or sugar. Just add it to your shake or blend it with yogurt and hot cereals for a perfect meal replacement diet.
With a nearly perfect balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6, plus Iron, Vitamin E, and all of the essential Amino Acids, Hemp Seeds are said to be the most nutritionally complete food source in the world. These seeds may be eaten whole or shelled, raw or toasted, plain or flavored.
How to consume Hemp Protein Powder:
Blend a spoon with your favorite smoothies, salads, or shakes as you please. You may even combine them in your soups, or favorite beverage.
• Add 2-3 tablespoons to your water, milk, shakes, juices, lassi, etc.
• Blend it with your food to make any meal nutritious and healthy.
•Blend it into the atta of your roti, chapati, paratha, naan, etc. or use it to bake your bread.
Dosage: 25g - 30g (2-3 tablespoons) per day .
In a cool dry place, away from sunlight. Refrigerate after opening.