About Us
The Pahari Life is an effort to take all that’s good and healthy from the hills to the world. We strive to bring to you handpicked food & wellness products and Pahari essentials that we have included here only after trying them out ourselves to ensure they are as true as can be. We bring to you the best of Pahari Dals, Pahari herbs and spices, Flavoured Himalayan salts, Fruit Preserves, Essential Oils, Cold Pressed Oils, Handmade Soaps, Natural & Organic Creams, balms, scrubs, deodorants etc.
Pahari food is simple, rustic yet huge on nutrition. One big reason for this is that the ingredients used are local and have very little chemical footprint. The world might be discovering organic produce now but in the hills, agricultural produce was largely organic by default as use of chemical fertilizers was a rarity. Hence when you choose to eat Pahari food, you choose nutrition and good health in addition to the lip-smacking flavours.
At The Pahari Life we want to help you find the best of Pahari stuff at one place and also to share our stories about Pahari life as it is. Some of you may have already lived the Pahari Life but perhaps lost the connect in the pursuit of life and employment. We want that whenever you feel nostalgic for the past you can source authentic and quality Pahari products from one roof.
Our aim is also to make socially positive choices through our business. We have therefore sought to partner with producers in the interiors of the hills and women’s self-help groups with an aim to share their stories with you. We believe that anything made by hand, be it food, food product, wellness products, clothing or handicraft carries a personal touch and there is a relationship between the creator and the user. Every time you choose a product from us you will be directly contributing to help our partners preserve this way of life that is under threat.
All our products come in reusable glass jars and paper pouches as we have consciously avoided packaging that is not environment friendly. While this does impact the costs, we have striven to keep them competitive in the belief that those who love the hills will love sustainability too.
To sum up The Pahari Life is driven by a love for the hills, its food, its people and its way of life.